
Welcome to "THE WAY I SEE IT" blog from the author of INSIGHTS for Ministry.

We all have unique perspectives. My understanding and approach to life is shaped by faith in God, discipleship of Jesus, and the wisdom and activity of the Holy Spirit.
"My writings about a range of topics reflect my thoughts. Read more in the "About" section."
I hope that what you read will enhance your perspective on life, inspire faith in God, and encourage us all to mutual understanding and respect.

Let's see a way together, S​†efan Munker

Friday, July 18, 2014

God’s Wisdom is Infinite

Helix Nebula (NGC 7293). By ESO. Public Domain.

God’s wisdom, compared to any human is infinitely greater. That’s a statement of faith. it acknowledges that we keep learning but know that we will never understand everything. God alone knows everything and acts perfectly.

We keep wondering about what ultimately confounds us about the mysteries of the universe and daily life. We try to understand the purpose and meaning of our existence. We see answers to questions about the why, how and when.

Humans are pretty smart. We have been given the capacity for great creativity and problem solving. And yet we do things that are not really great and get us into a lot of trouble because of our shortsightedness or stubbornness.

“For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.”
(1 Corinthians 1.25)

So, when you come to believe that God’s wisdom is infinite, you recognize your human limitation and reach for something more complete. God shows us in Jesus the direction and gives us guidance through the Spirit of God for faithful understanding and for acting wisely.

The blogs I am sharing about my insights of the way I see it will always remain imperfect and yet hope to tap into God’s gift of wisdom.