
Welcome to "THE WAY I SEE IT" blog from the author of INSIGHTS for Ministry.

We all have unique perspectives. My understanding and approach to life is shaped by faith in God, discipleship of Jesus, and the wisdom and activity of the Holy Spirit.
"My writings about a range of topics reflect my thoughts. Read more in the "About" section."
I hope that what you read will enhance your perspective on life, inspire faith in God, and encourage us all to mutual understanding and respect.

Let's see a way together, S​†efan Munker

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

God’s Favors for LGBTQ+ People

If people, Christians in particular, argue that LGBTQ+ people cannot be part of the church because of their continued sin, take John 9:31, and
ask how it is that God does not listen to sinners but does so for any who worship and obey. If they are professing faith and receive God’s favors, like the formerly blind man in this story, it would appear that non-straight people are in fact not sinful.

Jesus does not consider a personal characteristic we consider to be a flaw as caused by sin, but rather sees it as a way for God to shine even brighter through such persons, especially if Christ turns them into believers.

Sadly many people who claim to know the truth, are the ones who apparently need to be enlightened. (Like the religious leaders in the gospel, they may be guilty for not seeing their own sin and Christ’s freeing inclusion.) The way I see it, if people force you out of the church, just follow the Lord, and find others who see the light.

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